Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tomorrow a new chapter in my life begins!!!!

That is right folks, tomorrow is day one of finishing my bachelors degree. I have decided to go back and do psychology with specific classes in Children's Psychology. To say the least I am excited, scared, nervous, freaking out and every other emotion on the scale. I was able to print my psych 270 syllabus this morning, my only online class this semester and to say the least I am nervous. It is a social psychology class so I am really excited for it, however, there will be a LOT of reading and small papers.
On a side note except for my oldest, younger brother and his wife, all the rest of us are in classes this fall. Pretty scary huh?
Saint Cloud State, here I come whether I am ready or not!!


Ashley said...

Congrats Mandy! I have to admit I'm a little jealous . . . how fun to be taking the classes you are really interested in. I hope you have a blast. You will do great! Tyler's sitting here and says "say hi." (It was more heartfelt than it sounds!)

Go get em!

(Tyler says, "break a leg!")

Mandy R said...

Thanks Ashley. Now Mr Carter if I break my leg I would be in a world of hurt right? (HAHAHAHAHAHA)