Monday, December 26, 2011

Food Day 1

Ok so today food wise I was right at my allotted points for the day except for one.  However, I am ok with that because I am just starting and also I am on vacation.

Today's Food:

Pizza 4 points a piece x 3 pieces = 12

Cheesebread 3 points a piece x 3 pieces =  9
Cookies 3 points a piece x 4 =  12
Piece of pie 7 points a peice x 7 = 7

4 waters 32 ounces
2 diet cokes

All in all not a bad way to start.


shad said...

fruit and vegies

Mandy R said...

I know I know. It is really hard getting starting here at my mom's but I really didn't want to put it off another week.